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Донни Браско

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I'm not getting anything here.
I'm worried. He's getting strung-out.
We're getting what we want. Fuck him.
There it is.
Just moving behind, nice and slow.
Why don't you count it, my friend?
Go ahead.
It's all there. No bullshit.
We're bueno?
Pleasure doing business
with you caballeros.
Oh, Columbia, the gem of the ocean
The home of the brave and the free
What are you doing? You want to
throw me in the pool? You got the balls?
He hasn't made a pick yet.
Forget those dogs.
Hey, you know,
if you took my blood pressure right now,
it'd be down 100%.
Rusty's locked up in the can
with his fucking sinuses.
He finds out you're down in Florida...
I don't punch a clock for Rusty.
Live your life like a man down here.
Forget about it, Sonny. By tomorrow,
you're gonna be crying
you miss the New York bread.
New York bread is like cake.
Hey, two weeks you're wearing
the same fucking shirt.
What does that mean?
What does that mean?
I'm not in a big hurry
to go back to New York.
Yeah, don't worry about it. One more day,
that fucking shirt's gonna go back
to New York on its own.
That's why we don't get service in this joint.
They see you in that fucking shirt, they say,
"There's Joe Faccia Di Culo, " in that shirt.
That's enough.
"That's enough?"
What does that mean, "that's enough"?
Look at him, look at him. He's mad.
-Hey, Donnie, let's go for a walk.
-Come on, I'm gonna get a candy bar.
-All right.
Look at him, that was once yellow,
that shirt.
What are we supposed to call him now?
Sonny Florida.
Watch out, you're gonna put him
on the warpath again.
That shirt. That's the shirt the barber
gives you to put over your shirt.
I want to know what you're up to.
-What do you mean?
Last night?
What were you doing last night?
No, I'm saying, when yesterday?
What time yesterday?
Come here. Don't mess around with me.
Yesterday fucking afternoon.
Why has Lefty got such a hard-on
to send me back to New York?
Oh, come on, Sonny.
That guy's busting your balls down there.
I wanna know.
I wanna know what you got
going on down here.
I don't understand, Sonny.
You wanna know about every
half-assed scam that'll amount to nothing?
That's right.
I don't mean any disrespect.
I mean, I know you're a skipper
and I'm a nobody,
but I can't do that to Lefty.
Listen to me, you cocksucker,
I'll eat your fucking balls for breakfast.
You understand me?
Every fucking one of you.
This is life or death.
Not a fucking game, Donnie.
This is my say-so. Now, you tell me.
I can't do it, Sonny.
How about if I fucking whack you
right here and now?
Do what you have to do, Sonny.
I can't do that to Lefty.
-Mommy, I need some help.
-It's too tight.
-Here, sweetie.
-I'm in Florida.
-What are you doing in Florida?
I don't know. I'm hunting for turtles.
What do you think I'm doing in Florida?
Honey, I'm working.
It's 12 degrees here.
Excuse me, you're wearing this coat!
Young lady, you are wearing this coat.
-What did you call me?
-Is everything all right?
-What did you...
What if I said no, Joe?
Would it make any difference?
-I guess not.
-So don't ask me. Come on, stand up.
"John Wayne dead. Nation mourns."
How can John Wayne die?
The fucking lndians got him.
"Old-fashioned family man.
Ruled with an iron hand."
Look at that.
Let me talk to Kerry.
I want to talk about the Communion.
My God, Joe. She doesn't want to do it.
What do you mean? She ain't got no choice.
-You are wearing this coat!
-Put her on the phone, Maggie.
I don't know when I can call again.
Does she know not to bite the wafer?
I don't know. She's acting out or something.
-I'll be back next week.
-Thank you.
Maggie, I promise I'll get back
for her Communion.
-Yours doesn't look any better.
-Don't start it with your sister.
-Joe, I got to go.
I love you. Shit.
-Who's that on the phone?
Донни Браско Донни Браско

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