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Однажды в Америке

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You did. You're terrific.
"Age cannot wither her."
It's like the play was written for you.
What was the other reason?
The other reason...
is to decide whether I should go
to a party tomorrow night.
Yeah, on Long lsland.
Secretary Bailey.
Do you know Secretary Bailey?
But I was invited anyway.
Well, if you don't know each
other, why were you invited?
I don't know.
I thought you might know why.
Why me?
Because you know him.
-Who is it?
-It's me, Deborah, David.
No, David.
-Can I come in?
-You wait just outside. I'll call you.
Okay, I'll be right here.
-What does Bailey want from me?
-You came here to ask me that?
-Why did he send me an invitation?
-I don't know. I don't know.
Why should I know about
your invitations?
I don't know anything.
What do you want from me?
Why did you come here?
I know nothing.
I know nothing.
Now you're a lousy actress.
Who is Secretary Bailey?
Jerry Bailey is
a rich businessman.
He came to the USA as a
starving immigrant to make...
a lot of money in
San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Where he's lived for
thirty years.
I know all that. It's all in the papers.
What else is there?
He married a very wealthy woman.
They had a child.
She died when the child was born.
A few years ago
he went into politics.
Moved here.
That's all past history.
I'm talking about now.
Right now he's in trouble.
Why don't you just tell me
you've been living him all these years?
And that you're his lover.
Age can wither me, Noodles.
We're both getting old.
The only thing we have left now,
are our memories.
If you go to that party
on Saturday night...
you won't have those anymore.
Tear up that invitation.
There's an exit back this way.
Noodles, go through it.
Keep walking.
Don't turn around.
Please, Noodles.
I'm begging you. Please.
Are you afraid I'll turn
into a pillar of salt?
If you go out that door, yes.
This is Secretary Bailey's son.
His name is David.
Just like yours.
Please go in.
What are you waiting for?
I don't understand, Mr. Bailey.
Sit down, Noodles.
Make yourself comfortable.
-I'm glad you accepted my invitation.
-Well, I was curious.
I've never seen so many
important people in one place.
Yes. Well, the rats usually
desert a sinking ship...
But in my case, they'd better
be flocking on board.
Yeah, well I read about your
troubles in the newspapers.
But a man in your position....
with all your power...
and all your privileges...
has to assume certain
amount of responsibility.
Certain amount of risks.
Why'd you ask me to come here,
Mr. Bailey?
That invitation doesn't mean
a goddam thing, and you know it.
All that counts is what
was in that suitcase.
The money and the contract.
It didn't say who
the contract was on, though.
-Haven't you figured that out yet?
-You, Mr. Bailey?
I haven't had a gun in
my hands for many years.
My eyes aren't too good,
even with my glasses.
My hands shake.
And I wouldn't want to miss,
Mr. Bailey.
Cut the bullshit, Noodles.
I'm already a dead man.
At least give me the chance to
settle the debt that I owe to you.
I'll never make it before the
investigating committee.
They're scared to death I'll
implicate the whole bunch of them.
They got to get rid of me.
Today is as good a day as any.
You do it, Noodles.
You're the only person
I can accept it from.
You see, I found out
where you were.
I brought you back here for this.
To even the score between
you and me.
You can get out through there.
It leads right down to the street.
Nobody will see you.
I don't know what you're
talking about, Mr. Bailey.
You don't owe me a thing.
Your eyes were too full of tears...
to see that it wasn't me lying
there burned up on that street.
It was somebody else.
You were too shocked to realize
that the cops were in on it, too.
That was a syndicate
operation, Noodles.
You're crazy.
You said that to me once
before, a long time ago.
But my mind was never as
Однажды в Америке Однажды в Америке

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