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Однажды в Америке

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You don't work for me,
you don't work for no one.
I don't like bosses.
You was better off you stayed
in the Bronx.
It would have been better for you, too.
I'm going to kill him one of these days.
In the meantime it looks
like he killed us.
Deborah, open up the door.
Deborah, open up the door.
Hey, Deborah.
-That stuff isn't ready for the Globe?
-We're loading it.
Hey! Che cazzo succede down here?
-Hey, Al, we got the big boys with us today.
-They want to work for us.
Doing what Bugsy did.
We want his job.
Do you get that?
Eh, Capuano, we the best...
escort you ever gonna get.
Ah, fanculo ma, escort your
mother's ass out of here.
Okay. Let's go, Noodles. Well peddle
your invention somewhere else.
Hey, wait a minute.
What invention?
-You ship your stuff by the river, right?
-Si, sometimes.
When you get caught by the Coast Guard,
you gotta throw all the cases overboard.
You lose the whole shipment, Capuano.
For ten percent,
we'll save it all for you.
-Whadda you got, a submarine?
-We got salt.
You got, what?
Salt. Me and the boys are old salts.
Yeah. We need three tons of salt
per shipment.
What the fuck, get the fuck out,
go back to school where you belong.
What is it with all this salt?
Hey, hey, we got salt on our Noodles.
Show 'em.
This is full of salt.
All right, come here.
-Keep your shirt on, Capuano.
We gotta wait for
the salt to dissolve.
What's wrong?
Hey, look.
-Look at that!
-It's crazy.
I see 'em, I see 'em!
What did I tell ya?
We did it.
Come here, Max.
We did it.
No, Max, no!
What would you do without me?
From here on we establish
the shared funds of the gang.
They belong to all of us together
and to none of us alone.
And we solemnly swear
to put in fifty percent...
of everything we make.
I wanna take another peek.
And now for the immediate
departure of the railroad...
express Poughkepsee,
Albany and Buffalo.
All aboard.
This goes to Fat Moe.
We don't tell him what it's for.
And he gives it back only
when we're all together. Agreed?
Bugsy's coming! Run!
I slipped.
Yentzer. Schmuck.
You wanna go in?
You a relative?
An uncle.
It's open.
Erected to their everlasting memory...
by their friend and brother,
David Aaronson, "Noodles".
Can I take that for you, sir?
Your limousine is waiting.
How are you, uncle?
You're looking good.
You're looking a little better.
Come on.
Let's get you off the streets.
Some limousine.
-What are you talking, huh?
We own the company now.
It's a good cover.
You'd be surprised, it pays off, too.
My mother wrote me you was
in the body snatching business.
By the way, I appreciate everything
you did for my family.
Forget it. It's your dough. It's all down
in black and white in the company books.
You're the company.
You and Patsy and Cockeye.
Grave diggers and equal partners.
Hey, enough of this, huh?
Business before pleasure.
We got a rush job. Here.
Come here. Look at this.
Come, come.
Sudden death.
Fucking tragedy, huh?
-Twenty-six years old.
What a shame!.
Great stiff.
She died of an overdose.
And I'm ready for another.
Come on, Noodles,
pump some life into her.
You didn't turn pansy while
you were in there, did you?
There you go.
Turning over in the grave.
They do it every time.
Don't worry.
A pansy he ain't.
-You're welcome.
Thanks. Goodnight.
Hey, you wanna little pick me up?
Oh, no, thanks. I've had mine.
Did you give her your all?
What do you think?
You bet your life I did.
Wait'll you see this place.
It's got the best...
It's over here.
-Where we going?
-To a place that never closes.
Watch yourself.
-What's this?
-Our place.
We've got the hottest spot in town.
Huh? This is the real Fat Moe's.
Gimme that rag, will ya?
-What do you think?
-It's beautiful.
-You like it?
Однажды в Америке Однажды в Америке

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