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Однажды в Америке

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the ass.
Sooner than you think.
Chief Aiello, moving policemen
into the factory came...
as a surprise to everyone.
The press, the unions...
especially the strikers.
Well, what did you want,
sweetheart, a declaration of war?
Ours was a peaceable operation.
Well, wasn't that contrary
to the new union laws...
and the rights of strikers?
I'm chief of Police,
not chief of the people.
Was there any violence
on the part of the strikers....
to justify your action?
My motto is,
"Prevention, not repression."
But you let scabs move in
and start working.
Young lady,
you wanna talk to me...
call 'em unemployed workers.
Now with your permission...
I'll take these flowers to
my missus before they wilt.
Or maybe you heard.
I'm the father of a baby boy.
We heard he's
the youngest stockholder...
in that factory you occupied.
What'd you mean by that?
They say management
expressed their thanks with...
a birthday present for the baby.
You know, slander
is a serious offense.
Especially when it comes
from a hack reporter.
You wanna find out
how serious?
But since this is my first boy
after four girls...
I'll declare amnesty.
Behave yourself.
Thank you.
-He's eating?
-For five.
For five? Well, why not?
You could feed an army
with these two milk plants.
We could open up a dairy.
Oh, hey. That's nice, huh?
Who loves ya? Who loves ya?
I love you.
And I love you.
And I love you.
Rosie, don't you have to feed
him at six o'clock? Right?
Come in.
-Here he is now.
-That's my son.
That's my son.
Jesus Christ! They change fast.
Yeah, but he looks like
my old man.
Yeah, look, same eyes.
And look, the same
devilish pride, huh?
-Did you see his dickey?
-Ah, Vincent.
-The girls.
The girls! Sooner or later
you're going to have to learn...
that after me the boss
in the house is him.
He's got balls just
like his papa.
-Let me have him.
-Naw. I'll do this.
I'll do this, huh.
Let papa change you, huh?
Come on, look,
then everything will be swell.
Come on, come on.
What the fuck is this?
What is this?
What's that?
-Look. What?
-It's the right number.
The right number?
I'll break your goddamn neck!
Find my son or I'll burn down...
this whole goddamn building.
Hello. Would you shut up?
No, hey, no, wait.
I'm not talking to you.
Well, who's this? Never mind
to who am I talking...?
Where the hell are you?
My son, where is he?
Where do you think he is? He's in
the maternity ward. He never left.
He just got a little restless, so he
wanted to change his bed, that's all.
The other kids got the same idea, so
they also wanted to change their beds.
There you got 30,40 screaming babies
jumping from one bed to another...
Switching tags, so... now
we do have a real problem.
Jesus. Shit. What do you want?
What the fuck... I want my son.
Look, we were there to see
that everything was under control.
If you want we can put
everything back where it was.
Except there's one problem,
you gotta meet us halfway.
How? Tell me.
Now what do you give a fuck
about who wins the strike?
What did you do?
First of all you let the scabs in.
Second of all you've got ...
the cops in there protecting them.
That's what you did.
-I'm a cop.
-All right, shut the fuck up...
and I'm gonna tell you what you do.
Now listen to me...
very carefully. You're gonna
call off your dogs and you're...
gonna let the strikers work it
out with the bosses, you got that?
I want my son back right now.
You do that and we'll give you
the kid's new number. .
If you don't do that,
look for your kid yourself.
-And good luck.
-So, what's it gonna be?
Ok. All right.
Atta boy. You know, Aiello,
for a rotten red bastard...
son of a bitch, you're not
as stupid as I thought. Yeah.
-All right, we'll be in touch with you.
-Wait, wait.
Don't worry.
We'll be in touch with you.
-What he's got to do?
To a very smooth talker.
-Mozzel Fagala.
Where's that switch
Однажды в Америке Однажды в Америке

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