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all the same,
ain't we?
Nah, Kev, that's it.
I don't wanna be the same
as everybody else.
That's why I'm a mod, see?
I mean, you gotta
be somebody, ain't you?
0r why not jump
in the sea and drown?
That's why I joined the army,
to be different.
To get away from all this.
Wherever you go,
there's always some cunt
who wants to push you about.
Run it, please!
Two bob.
I'll see you.
Two fives.
Nah, that's bollocks.
Three of a kind don't beat that.
- It does.
- Who says?
I do!
He's right you know, Harry.
Will you run it, please?
[Film] I was late.
She was waiting
in the wrong place.
And by the time I found her...
Did you get us some blues, then?
I'll have to see, won't I?
I dunno.
[Romantic piano music]
[Jim] 0ne card.
[Jim] Down and dirty.
Make a mod out of you yet,
Harry, eh?
I don't think, though,
they make Levis in your size.
[Romantic music continues]
- [Jim] Is it me?
- [Harry] Yeah.
[Jim] All right.
- [Des] Threes.
- [Harry] Threes.
Two bob.
I'm out.
Yeah, so am I. You're a fuckin'
jammy bleeder, Cooper.
You're gettin' chicken, Des.
Look, I only had an ace.
I gotta go
to Broadwick Street now.
Take some stuff up there.
[Mr Fulford] Will you run
that film again, please?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
0h, yeah, Des. I don't like
to be cruel. Take it all back.
Nah, it's yours. You won it.
That's the ten bob I owe you.
[Des laughs]
Fuck off! I ain't carrying
all that fuckin' change about!
Take it or leave it, me son.
Take it or leave it.
I'll see you later, Harry.
See you, Des.
Er, Mr Cale sent me to collect
some stuff for Broadwick Street.
Yes, we've been waiting
for you for over an hour.
Come on, that stuff's got
to be over there fast. F.A.S.T.
[Imitates engine]
Watch the cloth, moth.
[Man] Tacky little herbert.
- You want to hear it?
- Yeah.
Number two.
[Music plays softly]
[Sighs] 0h, boy!
What you gonna do tonight?
Wait for a call,
I suppose.
[Steph] Listen, I'll see you
later, all right? Bye!
Wotcha, Jimmy.
What you doing here, then?
- Waiting for you.
- Yeah? What for?
- To give you a lift.
- Great.
- Steph?
- What?
You goin' to Brighton
this weekend?
- Yeah, you?
- 'Course I am.
Who you goin' with?
Pete's taking me.
Gonna be good, innit?
Yeah. Good.
You and Pete gettin'
a bit strong, then?
No, course not.
He's a laugh, that's all.
Bit flash though, ain't he?
I wouldn't be with him
otherwise, would I?
Nah. S'pose not.
You jealous?
'Course I ain't.
Nah? That's a pity,
I thought you was.
[Bell rings, cheering]
[Bells ring]
[Jim laughs]
[Chalky laughs]
It's a technique!
All right, boys?
So what we gonna do about pills?
If we're goin' to Brighton,
we'll need bloody millions.
I wanna get out me head.
That's not difficult
with your little monkey brain.
Get some rockers off their
heads, knock 'em off!
I was thinkin' about
getting a gun.
Don't talk bloody daft!
I'm gettin' my suit tomorrow.
0nly 'cause
you wanna screw Steph.
- No!
- Hey, Jim!
Hey! Hey! Hey!
Go outside!
We're goin', ain't we.
0h, let's go, then.
[All mutter disdainfully]
The rolls have got scabs on 'em!
[Cheering and laughter]
- Get off it a sec.
- Spider!
[Jim] What's up, then?
- Dunno.
- Breakdown?
[Spider] Must be the points.
- See you there.
- Yeah. Ten minutes.
You'd do better to catch a bus!
[Spider] We will, then!
What's up with it?
How am I supposed
to bleedin' know?
# Met him on a Monday
and my heart stood still
# Da do ron ron ron,
da do ron ron
# Somebody told me
that his name was Bill
# Da do ron ron ron,
da do ron ron #
[Motorbikes approaching]
0h, shit!
What's up? Your mother's
hairdryer blown up, has it?
Rubber band busted?
- Yeah.
- No, let's fix it.
Hold on,
we don't do nothin' for nothin'.
Why don't you piss off?
Bloody leave us alone.
Hold on, Lenny,
they don't want our help.
Are you the boy or the girl?
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