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Well, if I hadn't known
you were so...
So what?
I ain't gone on her, you know?
Hello, Jimmy!
knows you fancy her.
I reckon she's a right
good bunk-up.
0h, you animal.
[Band plays]
[Band plays]
[Shouts and cheering]
- All right, Steph?
- Yeah, great, innit?
- Where's Pete, then?
- Dunno. Don't care.
Don't care?
Dave! Come on. Dave!
[Chanting] We are the mods,
we are the mods!
We are, we are, we are the mods!
[Chant continues]
Fucking wankers!
That's the geezer that
run me off the road yesterday!
Let's fuckin' have 'em!
Have 'im!
[Shouting and screaming]
Pete! Stop 'em!
[Rocker] No!
They've gone berserk!
Get somebody here!
What's that... Stop!
Jesus Christ,
they've gone... 0i!
[Screaming and shouting]
What's goin' on here?!
0ver the edge!
Jimmy! Jimmy!
All right! I was there! Mods!
Mods! Mods! Mods!
There was a geezer, man, I tell
you, I went, crack! Crack!
We are the mods,
we are the mods!
We are, we are, we are the mods!
Fuckin' hell! Run! Run!
[Chanting] We are the mods,
we are the mods!
We are, we are, we are the mods!
[Police sirens]
Mods! Mods! Mods!
We got some rockers!
[All talk]
Kill the bastards!
[Cheering and shouting]
[Jim] Steph, come on!
[Screams of pain]
[Police sirens]
[Policemen shout]
[Jim] 0ut the way!
- Come on!
- [Steph] Wait for me!
- [Jim] Steph!
- [Steph] Jimmy!
[Squeal of tyres]
[Horns honk]
Jesus Christ! The Law!
[Confused shouts]
[Squeal of tyres]
[Police radios]
Right, keep them in!
Control those kids!
We are the mods,
we are the mods!
We are, we are, we are the mods!
[Jim] Run. Run! Run!!
Up here, up here! Come on.
[Jim] 0h...
[Steph] Come 'ere.
Come here.
Uh... 0h...
[Steph moans gently]
[Steph moans faster]
[Jim groans]
'Ere, c'mon.
Down 'ere.
Come on!
Get onto the footpaths!
Get onto the path!
Get off! I ain't done nothing!
Go on, go on!
Right, give him here. Come on.
Steph, come on!
0h, no.
[Ace Face]
All right, all right!
Fuck off! Cunt.
[Police sirens]
[Policeman] All right!
# I feel I'm bein' followed
# My head is empty
# Every word I say
turns out a sentence
# Statements to a stranger
# Just asking for directions
# Goin' from being helped
# To being questioned...
0i, Steph? Are you all right?
[Both laugh]
# I see a man
without a problem #
[Magistrate] It seems strange
to see this procession
of miserable specimens.
So different from the strutting
hooligans of yesterday,
who came here to pollute
the air of this town.
These long-haired, mentally
unstable, petty little hoodlums.
These sordid Caesars, who can
only find courage, like rats,
by hunting in packs,
came to Brighton
with the avowed intent
of intefrering with the life
and property of its inhabitants.
And so far as the law
gives us power,
this court will not faiI to use
the prescribed penalties.
It may, perhaps, discourage you,
and others of your kidney,
who're infected with this
vicious virus,
that you be ordered
to pay a fine of Ј75.
I'll pay now if you don't mind.
[Laughter and cheering]
Haven't got a pen,
have you, your honour?
That's enough, silence!
[Magistrate] Take him away!
James Michael Cooper.
You stay right where you are!
I don't have to ask
where you've been, do I?
I suppose you think this is
clever? Proud of yourself?
- No.
- No?
You was there, weren't you?
Yeah, we were there.
And you had more of this filth
with you, didn't you?
You can look shame-faced,
my lad.
I've a good mind to get the law.
- Where'd you get these?
- Dunno.
- Someone gave 'em to me.
- 0h, did he?
And you had to take 'em?
- No.
- You've gotta look big.
If they was rat poison
you'd have taken them anyway?
Then gone off like savages
Квадрофения Квадрофения

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