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mates of Charlie's.
They're fuckin' big.
They don't mess about.
Anyway, don't know why you're
worryin'. Ferdy'll have some.
Well, Ferdy ain't
been seen, has he?
He'll turn up. Friday, he'll pop
up like a jack-in-the-box.
0r a golliwog.
Ain't bloody here, is he?
Cunt. I wonder where he is?
I dunno.
This place gives me the shits.
Bleedin' nig-nogs everywhere.
Shut up.
It's like bleedin'
Calcutta round 'ere.
Calcutta's in India.
Yeah, West India. That's where
they bleedin' come from, innit?
- Yeah.
- What's so funny?
[Window opens above]
Just who you lookin' for,
[Jim] Is Ferdy in?
He not here. Him gone out.
Looking for Ferdy?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
He's gone out.
0h. Yeah.
Stitchin' me up an' all,
the bloke. Fuckin'...
Peter Fenton!
0h. Peter!
Peter Fenton. Who is it?
Fuckin' hell, why ring me here?
[Dave] Listen, you cunt. Tell us
where to find these blokes,
- Or we're stuck for Brighton.
- 0K. This time.
Hold this, then.
What for?
Well, I ain't goin' in there
with me parka on.
What d'you want, son?
Is, er, Harry North about?
Who are you, then?
I got a message for him.
Hang about a minute, all right?
Come through here.
Come through, come through.
Go on, through here.
That's him in the grey suit.
Go on, you're all right.
What can I do for you, son?
- Me uncle Charlie.
- Who?
Charlie Fenton, he said...
You Charlie's boy?
His nephew, yeah.
His nephew.
What's your name, son?
It's a pleasure to meet
any one of the Fentons.
D'you wanna drink, son?
No, thanks.
I gotta get goin' soon.
What can I do for you, then?
You can talk here.
We're all pals.
Well, I wanted some pills.
0h. What d'you want?
Purple Hearts, blues, Dexedrine?
- Some blues.
- Some blues?
I got a tenner.
Not in here, son.
Teddy! Come here.
This is Teddy. Go for a walk
with him, he'll do the business.
Here, give my regards
to your Uncle Charlie, son.
Come on, Ronnie!
Come on, Ron!
[Whispers] Wotcha.
It's all there.
250, it'll see us through
till Christmas, eh?
0ne for the road, eh?
Come on, hurry up.
That ain't a blue!
It's paraffin!
We've been done!
That's my three quid wasted!
Yeah. And mine!
Let's do the bastards' motor.
Come on!
Get out the way!
- Come on!
- Go!
You on?
[Jim] Wankers!
Go on.
Shove it, man.
Nice one.
You're fuckin' makin' a racket.
- Do we have to do this?
- 'Course we do.
We don't wanna leave
prints all over, do we?
My arse. It's the smell.
[Dog barks]
[Whispers] We must be able
to find some pills here, eh?
[Whispers] 0h, yes!
[Thud followed by giggles]
[Whispers] Shut up!
- Fucking shut up!
- All right.
Shh. Shh.
Jim, I just thought.
- Footprints.
- Footprints?
You got lines on your feet,
same as your fingers.
Must be thousands
of pills here... Millions.
Ah, nothing's there,
I'm gonna search in here...
I'm puttin' me socks on.
I ain't stupid.
[Whispers] Police!
Lads, look at these! Johnnies!
Fuckin' hundreds of 'em!
Chuck us some packets!
You got something
planned tonight?
'Course I have.
0h! Yellows.
Chalky, what you doin'?
Give us a hand, eh?
Not takin' no chances, am I?
[Dave and Chalky laugh]
[Jim] Come on! Shut up!
Get down to it, eh?
A-ha! Found 'em! They're blues!
I found some blues.
There's not many.
Perhaps someone's
been nickin' 'em.
[Telephone rings]
[Jim] Fuckin' hell!
[Chalky] Hang on.
Chalky, come on!
I'm just gettin'
somethin' for me mum.
I'm droppin' all the blues!
Just get out!
- [Man] Right...
- 0ne and tuppence?
0K, you behave
yourself tonight, 0K?
I'll try. I'll try
and behave myself tonight.
Yeah, I'm flyin'!
Terrific, ain't they?
Did we have it off or what?
- Hi.
- We done your chemist's.
- You didn't?
- Yeah.
I was gonna phone.
Why didn't you?
I know where everything is.
Here y'are. Got you a Pepsi.
- And a present.
- What is it?
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- текст Эволюция: Дрифт в Куала-Лумпур

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