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understands what you're singing
Can you mumble
through your songs like me?
Let me be the judge, go on, sing!
Let me be the judge, go on, sing!
Who are you? Get outta here!
I told you to listen to me,
and you wouldn't
You're in serious trouble now,
the Imperial Army is here
They're gonna kick your butts!
On your set, butts, go!
Who dares to block my way?
I am the Mayor of this town
What's a Mayor?
You're too stupid to know
I'm an officer appointed by
the Ming Government
What are you?
We're the invading Manchurian Army
So, you're the Mayor?
Order everyone to come out and surrender
Let's go.
Uh... I guess my pigeon flew a bit too far
Uh... I guess my pigeon flew a bit too far
I had no idea you'd travel
all the way out here...
Are the Persians joining us, too?
I better learn more language
Hmm... which language should I start with...
What's the next line?
When the Three Stars turn, luck will arrive
Everyone inside listen up,
lay down your weapons
Hand over the treasure,
and surrender immediately
Surrender immediately!
We don't even know where the treasure is!
We're handing in crap!
There are so many caves
This place is like a maze
Which one should we go?
When the Three Stars turn, luck will arrive
Here, hold this
Didn't you say the map looks
different when it's placed in water?
There's water here, let's give it a try
If you don't come out and surrender,
we'll kill everyone
Kill everyone!
Listen to me, we shouldn't be
fighting amongst ourselves
Let's join forces and
defeat them, follow me!
I have indeed found what I'm looking for
I have indeed found what I'm looking for
I will prove to everyone today
I am truly
the Supreme Master of Martial Arts!
Wow, these characters look beautiful!
But what do they mean?
Hey, college boy
Can you tell me what they say?
E, S, W, N
What does it mean?
East, South, West, North
The Three Stars do not go upside down...
The Three Stars do not go upside down
The game of east south west north
I used to play it all the time when I was a kid
Three Stars... upside down...
Could it mean the direction here?
It's three in the afternoon now
so the east would be there
Take six steps east, 1... 2... 3...
It works!
I'm so clever!
You already are the Supreme Master
Haven't I lost to you already?
I don't want a fake reputation
I have to defeat you with my sword
We should have left the maze by now
This map is amazing
Wei, how did you figure it out?
I'm good at anything,
as long as I don't need to use my head
There's more ahead...
Na-Lan disobeyed my orders
by heading in first
So what if he's superior in Martial Arts
It's the age of firearm
Bring out the cannon!
I'll show them what supreme power is!
Light the torch
What is this?
Some sort of trap
What's the next line in the song?
Big changes shall fall upon us now
Is that related to this?
Yes, I think so
It may have something
to do with these characters
The word Big
There's Change
Maybe we should follow
the order of the line?
We got it!
We made it
It's your turn!
But I don't know how to read
And I can't remember which
characters you stepped on
Here, let me teach you the first character
Big, try to find it
I see it!
What is it?
Here, let me help you
Be careful!
Wait, nobody move
I think we aren't supposed to
step on two characters at the same time
What should we do?
This isn't fun anymore
Hold on, I think I know what to do
Anything that won't
require me to use my brain
Tell me
This is Big
Which one is Change?
This one
That one with three dots
I see it, it's this one
Listen to me
I'm gonna count to three,
and you jump as high as you can
I promise you'll be fine
Didn't I say you'd be fine?
But why didn't you just directly jump over?
You didn't have to make it so complicated
Told you I don't use my head a lot
The next character
Преследующая тень Преследующая тень

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- текст Поедая Рауля

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