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be deemed as a scholar
Am I understanding this correctly?
You draw a couple of ugly lizards
and you're calling yourself an artist?
It's a Dragon!
Not a lizard!
We are all Chinese
Great descendents of the Dragon
Why don't you cut me some slack
Give me an extension of a couple more days
Lord Xu
Needless to say,
you are a man of sophistication
enormous wealth, and striking looks
You are strong and wise,
simply irresistible...
Geez, cut the crap!
But what was that you just said?
Enormous wealth?
No, that I already know
Strong and wise, simply irresistible...
Okay, you seem honest and reliable enough
I'll grant you a ten day extension
Lord Xu
I speak nothing but the truth
Cross my heart, hope to die!
What was that again?
Cross my heart, hope to die?
Is uncle and auntie home?
Don't be disgusting
You wanna order something to eat?
Here's your lunch
Eat quickly
Now what?
I want to order more dishes
Order more food?
You never eat!
Look at how skinny you are!
I only came to see you
Fine, you've seen me
Now, pay the check and leave!
One more thing!
There's something I'd like
to discuss with you
What do you want?
I was wondering when you
plan on paying the rent!
What about those three? They never pay!
Why don't you go ask your uncle for it, huh?
Please don't be angry
I'll come back tomorrow
Long time no see, Lord Xu.
How have you been?
Mayor Gu, I think you need to
straighten things out a bit...
Mayor Gu, I think you need to
straighten things out a bit...
People in this town
are behaving like bandits
What bandits? Where?
There hasn't been one bandit
since I took over
the position of Town Mayor
How could there possibly be bad behavior?
Stop spreading such ugly rumors!
How am I to govern this town?
You're right, Mayor Gu
My father bought you this Mayor
position before he passed away
Have you already forgotten
how you got here in the first place?
Of course I have not forgotten
I have the utmost respect for your father
I have the utmost respect for your father
And I treat you well since then.
That would make me your half uncle, no?
Right, uncle
Good boy
Did you like
the birthday present I bought you?
Oh yes, the briefcase is very useful
The land where your office is located
on was also a gift from my family
Please, can we not talk about this here?
It doesn't make me look good as the Mayor
Fine, I didn't come here
to pick on you anyways
Let me asking you about something
You've found the right person
Nobody knows the streets of
this town better than me
The guy that owns the restaurant
What's his background?
You mean Moustache Man? He's nobody!
Just some guy
who made some money from selling horses
His wife is purchased,
they don't even love each other
I don't care how his marriage is doing
I want to find out what his
relationship is with Wei
I want to find out what his
relationship is with Wei
You talking about Wei?
That's a very long story
Once upon a time, three years ago...
on a dark and windy night
The old couple who lives in the
Tang house suddenly died
This little girl became an orphan
So the Moustache Man adopted her
claims he'd raise her
as a child bride for his son
You're so full of crap
You shouldn't make up stories like this
just because you are no match to him
What do you mean by that?
Look at my stylish hair...
You are no match at all
Who still wears fur these days?
You dress like a rich jerk
I dress like a rich jerk?
Lord Xu, you look so handsome today
Really? No rent will be charged for the day
Thank you, Lord Xu. You are a good man
Darn, why do I have the urge
to pee whenever I see water?
Darn, why do I have the urge
to pee whenever I see water?
Go back, retreat!
Go back, retreat!
My dear Xin!
Mayor Gu, are you all right?
I'm fine...
Just a little wet
I mean, something's on my mind
Преследующая тень Преследующая тень

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