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Донни Браско

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-All right.
Chicken taco.
Just turn real slow.
Is there a problem, Officer?
-What's your name, boy?
-Donnie Brasco. What's yours?
What are all you New York guineas
doing down here?
Your missus invited us.
Gentlemen, we're running
a charity event here.
-We have a permit.
-You got a permit for the lion?
Break it up! Break it up!
You fucking pigs!
I guess you didn't ever think
of paying these guys off, did you?
Where the hell am I gonna get money to go
bribing cops? Nobody authorized that.
You know how fucking embarrassed I am?
The old man's people down here.
A year now, I got to be in my house
with the shades drawn.
Where's that bag?
They got it. They got everything.
That's Rusty's money.
-Sonny, I'm sorry...
-Shut up.
You shut up. Sit down.
Shut the fuck up.
Like this, I got to go back to New York.
Make this right with Rusty.
Face that cocksucker Sonny Red.
You know, I got to say something.
Usually the cops are so fucking dumb.
It takes them three months
just to get wind something's going on.
Then they got to go get a warrant.
They got to go through them pictures.
What are they?
-They go to surveillance.
Three months taking pictures.
All this time,
how do these cops know so much?
-We just opened the fucking doors.
-What are you saying?
There's got to be a snitch here.
All right.
So there's a snitch.
We find him. We cut his prick off.
Leave it in his mouth.
Leave him on the street.
What are you,
a silent partner all of a sudden?
-Get me the fuck out of here!
-Hey, knock it off in there!
Shut up! Fuck you!
Keep it up, boy,
I'll send you out of here in a box.
-Did you bust it up good?
-Yeah, we busted it up.
He's out of business. You understand?
Yeah, I'm listening.
That punk is finished down here. That's it.
That's great. I can't believe it.
-All right, look, I'll talk to you later.
Give me some of that cheese
with that salami, please?
-He busted up the club.
-Take this taste out of my mouth.
-There you go.
Now he has to answer for what happened.
You gonna send for him?
He sits down with us.
Bing-bada-boom, it's done.
The whole fucking crew. All of them.
I'll dust off the guns.
Napkins and tablecloths, $500 scoot.
$500 scoot?
Down in Florida, it's $500 an hour.
You like it down there so much,
why don't you go buy some oranges?
-What do you got there, Bullfrog?
-Dime on the vig.
I'm doing the best I can, Sonny.
What do you got, Nicky?
I got a guy boosted 30 tickets
to Chaka Khan at the Garden.
What about Florida?
I thought we weren't supposed to talk
about Florida.
So you never got nothing going on?
No. Nothing ever panned out for me, Sonny.
I couldn't catch a break.
-You never got nothing going on?
-What did I just say?
Paulie, I got a truckload of razor blades.
What the fuck am I gonna do
with razor blades?
You know how many razor blades
fit in a truck?
I got a guy on the inside,
works in a warehouse.
Has the art collection of the Shah of lran.
A sit-down where?
That was Sonny Red's guy.
Wants to have a sit-down in Little ltaly.
I got sent for.
Donnie, come on.
Paulie, we'll take your car.
That cocksucker Sonny Red,
he rubbed my nose in Florida
because of a fucking rat!
Forget about it.
Donnie, you ride up front.
You know what to do
when you find that rat, right, Left?
Could be I found him already.
So where we headed, Sonny? Little ltaly?
Our guy says they got a little stop
to make first. You know what I mean?
Let's go.
Where are you going? Wait in the car.
All right. Come on.
We still got to get downtown.
-How long is this gonna take?
-I got them in the drain in the laundry room.
-Bruno said you want the 9mm.
-Meanwhile, where the fuck is he?
In bed with some broad with more hair
on her lip than he's got on his head.
-He's your kid.
-Don't remind me. Come on.
You think that's funny?
I don't think that's so funny.
Донни Браско Донни Браско

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