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Донни Браско

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afraid it's necessary.
Neither are the rest of us.
So give us a table before I smack you.
You must take off your shoes.
-You like shoes, you fuck?
-Get him down!
You like shoes?
Let me get in there.
Slant-eyed motherfucker!
-Come on. Let's go.
-Son of a bitch!
-Watch him, Donnie!
-Stupid fuck!
Kick the shit out of him, Donnie! Kick him!
Use those fucking boots!
Don't you move, you fuck.
Don't you fucking move.
You like shoes, you fuck?
Slant-eyed motherfucker!
-Come on. Let's go.
-Son of a bitch!
Watch him, Donnie!
Stupid fuck!
Kick the shit out of him, Donnie! Kick him!
Mind your own business.
Just go home! Go home!
Go home, you miserable bitch.
What you doing?
Sonny's ready to start.
He's not done yet. You want him to piss
all over the fucking floor?
...not sharing the cigars.
Up the block, they sell for $50 a box.
We could sell them for $25.
You give two or three of those to a broad,
she'll do anything you want.
Give three Quaaludes to Brenda.
Maybe she'd cook.
I doubt it.
I got a guy that's in the middle
of this load of Sergio Valentes.
A dime on the vig.
-So, what do you got on the street?
That should be $250,000
by the end of the year.
I can get these real cheap
and I got a guy who can move them.
Will you fucking stop that?
How else am I supposed to open this?
Open sesame!
A score's a score.
Boss, look what I got here. It's 100 pairs.
Sonny Red's got $1 million a month
with his trucks in Jersey.
What do I get?
Steak knives and parking meters.
We ought to hijack an oil tanker.
There's a lot of money in oil.
You know something?
There's a guy I know down in Florida.
He says it's wide open down there.
-Where in Florida?
-Florida. The beach.
The whole economy's moving down there.
They call it the Sun Belt.
The economy's got to be good
for us to make any real money.
You don't think they got
their own wise guys in Florida?
Florida and Arizona
because of the energy crisis.
I heard a whole conversation
on the Long John Neville Show.
Problem up here, you got 3,000 wise guys
all chasing the same fucking nickel.
You're from down there, Florida, Donnie?
Lot of parking meters down in Florida.
You guys think this is funny?
I'm the skipper now. I gotta answer!
$50,000 a month, I kick up to Rusty.
Every month!
One day, I'm gonna die.
I'm gonna be here in this same room
with all these same fucking guys
talking about the same fucking scams
that never amount to nothing!
That's how I'll know
that I've been sent to fucking hell.
Joe, give these humps another drink.
It's all they're good for.
I tell you right now, we better start earning
or somebody's gonna get clipped.
Why did you inject that, Donnie,
with Florida?
What are you talking about?
I didn't inject nothing.
You injected that. Don't tell me no.
I know you. You don't say nothing
unless there's a reason for it.
Now, who is this fucking guy in Florida?
Nobody. He's a guy I knew
when I lived down there, that's all.
You vouch for this guy?
Hey, come on. That was bullshitting around.
Bullshitting around? What, you think
Sonny Black is just bullshitting around?
What do I know? I don't... You know...
You think he wasn't?
Yeah, well... Listen to me, Donnie,
I don't know what to swear on.
My dead father, my mother who I love,
my children.
I swear to you, Donnie, something
is going on you don't know about.
-I was making conversation with the guy.
-Mr. Smart Conversation,
you tell me what happens
if Sonny Black decides
he wants to go to Florida?
Who said he's going to go to Florida?
Donnie, don't think
you can pull the wool over my eyes.
I see you siding up to Sonny Black.
With my eyes, I'm looking at you.
You're doing it.
-Come on.
-I ain't siding up to Sonny Black.
He goes to Florida, you're responsible.
And I'm responsible
because I represent you.
Come on. I was just bullshitting around.
You think you can trust Sonny Black.
You can't trust Sonny Black.
Донни Браско Донни Браско

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